How to easily prepare and cook the asparagus

How to easily prepare and cook the asparagus

Asparagus is a vegetable rich in nutrients. The spring crop is high in vitamins B6, C, E and K. It also contains high levels of magnesium, zinc and calcium, to say nothing of other nutrients such as protein, thiamin, phosphorous, iron, potassium, and dietary fiber. Asparagus also contains a special compound called asparagine amino acid. 

This plant is especially recommended for people with weight problems as it is low in calories and sodium. Often used as a garnish or snack. Instead of cooking, some people prefer to eat raw as part of your salad. If you are unsure of how to cook asparagus, you can follow the tips below:

1. Buy fresh asparagus with rounded tips, straight, thin stems, and a bright green color. If you are in Germany, instead of green, are usually white asparagus (usually called spargel). This type of asparagus is sweeter and tenderer than the usual green variety. To prepare white asparagus should be peeled before eating.

2. The bottom of the vegetable is mostly covered with sand and dirt. Be sure to wash well with cold water before using it on your plate. Asparagus is best cooked after more than two days kept in the refrigerator. Long periods of storage will change the flavor of the signature of the plant.

3. Before the transformation of asparagus in a suitable vessel, steam or boil must first. Otherwise the inside of the stems will remain raw, even after cooking. Only young asparagus tender texture should be steamed. Boil the asparagus special needs, but an easy trick. Place the bottom of the stems in a pot of boiling water. Keep the tips out of water. The steam from the boiling water will soften the ends. After about eight minutes or until the tips are soft enough, remove the vegetables from the pot. By linking 10 to 12 stems in bundles, it is easy to remove water at the same time. Asparagus tastes best when it is tender and crisp.

4. Later, you can cook asparagus in many ways. You can skip to serve with the bacon, beef, shrimp or chicken. You can also grill them briefly on a grill or in an oven. In Germany, white asparagus is often served with hollandaise sauce and potatoes.

If you prefer, French style, you may want to add olive oil, Parmesan cheese, melted butter or mayonnaise to your asparagus steamed or boiled. Serve the asparagus while it is still hot to retain flavor. 

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Kanza Khan
With best Wishes & Regards

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