Perfect Japanese rice

Perfect Japanese rice

Japanese rice is very good! I eat it with everything these days, even things I could not wait to go with it. It is very versatile and has replaced the bread and potatoes for me as my staple carbohydrates.

Besides being delicious, contrary to popular belief, it is also very easy to cook perfectly! You do not need a rice cooker to make rice luxury Japanese great (though they are great for keeping rice warm for you to eat later).

Here's how to cook Japanese rice, in the absence of a rice cooker. It takes about 5 minutes to prepare and 25 minutes to cook.

1. The standard measure of rice by the cup. Japanese rice cups are 180 ml, which is about the size of a small cup. A cup will serve one person, so measuring the portions accordingly. Place cups of rice as you need in a normal pot.

2. Then, you have to wash the rice. Pour some clean water and shake and crack the rice with your hands. The water quickly to a milky white color. When this happens, pour the water into the sink, taking care not to lose any rice. I usually do this by tilting the pan and my hand as a class barrier. No need to get rid of all the water, only a reasonable amount.

Wash the rice once or twice more. The water will never be entirely clear, so do not worry about getting it perfect. Make sure you have drained as much water as possible, otherwise the excess will significantly add to that measure the amount of cooking rice.

4. When the rice is washed, take the same cup you used to measure portions, and add the same amount of water for rice (2 cups water 2 cups of rice). At this point, I usually add a little more - about 1 / 4 cup per 2 cups rice or 1 / 3 to 3 cups.

If water is poured into the pot along the interior, which captures every bit of dispersion of rice that can hold. Each grain is important!

5. Then place the pot in the smallest kitchen in your kitchen and put a lid on it. Adjust the flame to low and leave for 25 minutes.

It really is as simple as that! In 25 minutes you can enjoy delicious, spongy and sticky Japanese rice so good as give rice cooker! 

The unique post is on Food and Drink with Kanza

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Kanza Khan
With best Wishes & Regards

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